
With 128 years of experience in the automotive industry, the business portfolio of RÁBA Plc. consists of four separate, interrelated business units: the Axle, the Automotive Components, the Vehicle and the Gearbox business units. Rába is a highly export-orianted company, with strategic export markets in the EU, the USA and Japan. The shares of Győr-based RÁBA Automative Holding Plc. are listed in the 'Premium' category of the Budapest Stock Exchange.


The technology development capital expenditure and reorganisation activities of strategic signifi-cance implemented within the RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc. is one of the largest Hungarian companies in the sector. The three strategic business units of the group of companies produce and supply axles and axles parts for commercial vehicles, agricultural machinery and earthmovers, as well as automotive components for commercial and passenger vehicles for the global automoitve market.

Rába Automotive Holding Plc. is listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange and is majority state owned since 2012. Rába Plc.'s seat is in Győr, Western Hungary, with production facilities in Győr, Mór and Sárvár.

Established in 1896, Rába, with its proud traditions, is one of a handful of large, independent, Hungarian companies where decisions are made locally, that managed to adapt succesfully to the transformed market conditions following the political changes and found the market segments, in which it gained the positions of global player, as a key European industrial factor. About 94 per cent of group sales revenues are generated by indirect and direct exports. Principal export markets include North-America and the European Union, in addition to the substantial sales concluded on the Japanese market by Rába, as a niche market player.

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Mission - Vision

Our vision

To be an internationally recognised, Hungarian-owned, domestic company providing complex engineering solutions and products to major players in the global automotive industry and to domestic users.

Our mission

Our mission is to develop products and manufacturing solutions based on customer needs, providing a differentiated product portfolio and services.

Our strategy

The strategic goal of our group of companies is to maintain profitability through ensuring the superior quality and profitable prices of our products, meeting the demands of our customers in time, by increasing flexibility, integrity and efficiency and enforcing the LEAN® principles, while keeping and increasing our customer’s trust, in consideration of the paramount importance of R+D.

Additionally, it is key to develop long-term capabilities in the supply chain area providing us with a competitive edge and allowing us to adapt to the dynamically changing market environment. Thus, adjusting the operating model of the supply chains to market and customer demands enjoys top priority.

Our restructuring, modernisation and capital expenditure plans to be implemented within the “RÁBA Modernisation Programme” launched in 2022, secure the stability and future of the group, contributing to its long-term sustainability.

Using green energy to a growing extent, we aim to increase energy efficiency, while reducing energy costs and shrinking our ecological footprint.

We are committed to replenishing and nurturing talents, enabled through our relations with educational institutions.

Our values

As a Hungarian-owned, independent company, we develop our own product development, market launch and production know-how. Building on the cooperation of our employees, we consciously develop our corporate culture to successfully meet the requirements of the global market. The basic elements of a corporate culture are:

  • teamwork and integrity
  • respect for each other's opinions and recognition of each other's perfomance
  • striving for quality excellence
  • career opportunities, long-therm career paths
  • reliability, flexibility
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Management of the company

Board of Directors

Béla Hetzmann

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Dr. Nóra Csüllög

Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Tibor Szabó-Szombati

Member of the Board of Directors

Éva Láng-Péli

Member of the Board of Directors

Csaba Majoros

Member of the Board of Directors

Dániel Emánuel Mráz

Member of the Board of Directors

Dr. Károly Szász

Member of the Board of Directors

Supervisory Board

Dávid Soma Sárközi

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Ferenc Antal

Member of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Sándor József Szabó

Member of the Supervisory Board

Management of the Group

Béla Hetzmann

RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.

Éva Láng-Péli

RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.
Deputy CEO

Éva Bojnár

RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.
HR Director

László Vida

RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.
Commerecial Director

Roland Szilágyi

Rába Axle CO. Ltd.
Managing Director

László Urbányi

Rába Automotive Components Ltd.
Managing Director

Managing Director

János Torma

Rába Vehicle Ltd.
Managing Director

Péter Vincze

Rába Vehicle Ltd.
Managing Director

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Rába operates an Environmental Management System (KIR - EMS) in the interest of sustainable development and growth. Our key objective in this area is to steadily reduce the environmental burden whilst meeting legal and other environmental requirements.

Our environmental policy is based upon the recognition that sustainable business management is important not only for environmental and social reasons but also makes the operation more economically efficient.

The four basic principles of our pollicy are:

- Prevention of the emission of harmful substances and pollutants;

- Protection of the status of waters, air, and soil as well as of homogeneous living conditions;

- Reduction of material consumption, emissions and waste production;

- Steady increase in the recycling of wastes.

Rába is steadily and closely cooperating authorities, municipalities, customers and suppliers. The group views the engagement of its staff as the key means of achieving its goals and thus expects all employees to work in compliance with the principles defined in the environmental policy.

Az érdekeltek elvárásainak hatékonyabb megértése érdekében kérjük, hogy szánjon időt az alábbi kérdőív kitöltésére. Az Ön visszajelzései kulcsfontosságúak, és fő referenciaként szolgálnak az információk rangsorolásához a fenntarthatósági jelentésben történő közzététel során, valamint a fenntarthatósági stratégiánk kidolgozásához.

Az alábbiakban olyan fenntarthatósági témákat soroltunk fel,  amiket a Rába Csoport működését tekintve relevánsnak ítélt.

Fenntarthatósági kérdőív kitöltése

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Social responsibility

Social presence is now an obligation, as companies have to take into account their immediate environment and society when doing business. Corporate social responsibility can help a company to operate in harmony with its environment in the long therm, while maintaining its business focus, values and competitiveness. Engaged, value-driven, ethical action can be a competitive advantage. Rába Plc, as a company with its decisions-making centre and sites in Hungary, working for international markets, makes it a priority to ensure that its organisation demonstrates ethical business conduct, operates in an environmentally responsible manner and is a committed representative of social responsibility. The company follows Hungarian and international standards in its core documents, which are formulated in line with these principles. For Rába social responsibilityis a corporate governance method and approach. Our management systems are continuously evaluated and, if necessary, modified in order to ensure that they are always operational and effective in changing business and legal circumstances. Ourprinciples
  • Responsible corporate governance
  • Fair and honest business relationships with our partners
  • We take responsibility for our shareholders' investments to provide them with a long-therm, competitive return
  • We strive to increase the proportion of domestic suppliers in our operations
  • Fair trade
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Management systems

Rába Plc is committed to the implementation of total quality management

Rába understands the concept of quality as a strategic concept for its products, internal and external processes and last but not least for its activities with skateholders.

Its quality process does not end with production, it pays special attention to the supplier and customer processes and their feedback.

Rába magazine


Rába was founded in Győr on 28. December, 1896. Spanning over the entire 20th century, the company developed a business model and operating mode in terms of products, operating processes and management methods applied, which have proven to be succesful, allowing the company to adapt to the ever-changing and hectic social, political, economic and market environment. The company also adjusted successfully to the ownership relations transformed in the course of historical events. Owing to the pragmatic management, Rába is probably the only prestigious Hungarian company in the machine industry that managed to survive, retaining its independence while keeping the professional, human and social values of earlier periods.

Rába does not intend to live on its past but rather to always meet the challanges of the present, however the traditions and history of the company represent important values. The past 125 years have taught us to still create value on an ongoing basis, as a Hungarian-owned, independent company and to be present on the most important markets of world economy, from the United States through Europe, Russian and the CIS region to Japan. Today 90% of Rába's sales revenues are generated on export markets, in the automotive industry, one of the world's most dynamically developing sectors.

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Béla Hetzmann

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Born: Tatabánya, 20.11.1970.
In 1995, he graduated from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration with a degree in accounting, management and organisation.
Between 1989 and 1995, he attended various postgraduate courses in economics in Germany (Heidelberg) and Canada (Vancouver).
Since 2008 he is the owner and managing director of CSABAcast Light Metal Foundry Ltd.
Between 2012 and 2016 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of FirstFund Investment Fund Management Ltd.
Since 2016, he has been the owner and managing director of Pannon 2005 Faktor und Hitel Zrt.
Chairman of the Supervisory (and Audit) Board of Takarékbank Zrt. between 2019 and 2023.
Since 2020, Rába Plc. Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2020 and CEO of Rába Plc since 2021.
He holds a German language certificate with an advanced level in economics and an advanced level certificate in English.

Dr. Nóra Csüllög

member of the Board of Directors

Born: Debrecen, 1981.12.04.
In 2006, he graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Lóránd University, and in 2006, after a one-year part-time course, he obtained a Master's degree from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
Between 2006 and 2010, she worked as a trainee lawyer in the law office of Dr. György Juhász, and in 2011 she opened her own law office, Dr. Nóra Csüllög Law Office, whose main areas of practice are commercial and corporate law, construction law, claims management, real estate law, litigation and extra-judicial representation.
He has a German language certificate at university level and an English language certificate at intermediate level.

Dr. Tibor Szabó-Szombati

Az igazgatóság tagja

Egyetemi végzettséget a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem jog és államtudományi karán szerzett. 2010-ben jogi és igazgatási szakirányban jogi szakvizsgát tett. Posztgraduális képzés keretében 2008-ban és 2010-ben társasági szakjogászi és európai jogi szakjogászi végzettséget szerzett.

2010 és 2023 között a Szabó-Szombati Ügyvédi Irodánál dolgozott mint irodavezető ügyvéd.

2023. áprilistól a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztériumban kormánytisztviselő, az átvilágításokért felelős főosztály főosztályvezetője, majd 2024. augusztus 1. napjától az N7 Holding Zrt. általános vezérigazgató-helyettese.

Éva Láng-Péli

Deputy CEO
member of the Board of Directors

He graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest with an honours degree in economics (red diploma) in finance and actuarial science. Subsequently, he obtained a qualification as a tax consultant and a qualification as a chartered accountant, ACCA studies in progress.
From 2009, he worked as a tax consultant at Ernst&Young Consulting Ltd., then as a tax and accounting consultant (UCMS Group), and subsequently led an accounting, reporting and analytical team at GE. From 2015 to 2018, he managed finance teams as a senior manager at Morgan Stanley, and from 2017 he was head of finance in Hungary for the Investment Banking division.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Grand Tokaj Zrt. between 2019-2021.
Between 2018-2021, he worked as a senior consultant for NC Consulting Zrt. on the merger of savings cooperatives in the Hungarian banking sector.
From December 2020, Rába Plc. Member of the Board of Directors since December 2020 and Deputy CEO of Rába Plc since November 2021.

Csaba Majoros

member of the Board of Directors

He graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2013 and in Metallurgical Engineering in 2014 from the University of Miskolc.
From 2013 to 2015 he was Technical Manager of Csaba Metal Zrt., from 2015 to 2019 Deputy CEO, and since 2019 he has been CEO of the company and member of the Board of Directors.
Since 2013 he has been a co-owner of CSABAcast Light Metal Foundry Ltd. and since 2014 he has been a co-owner of Csaba Tool Toolmaking Ltd.
Since 2020 he has been a member of the board of the Hungarian Horticultural Association.
Since December 2020, Rába Plc. Member of the Board of Directors since 2020.
Speaks English and German.

Dániel Emánuel Mráz

member of the Board of Directors

Born: Budapest, 1977.03.23.
Since 2016 he has been CEO and member of the board of Prolan Irányítástechnikai Zrt., a company specializing in industrial automation, and since 2013 he has been a member of the group.
Between 2004 and 2013, he was Head of the Hungarian market at the Austrian equity investment and corporate finance advisory firm MP Corporate Finance, later Head of the European sector with a focus on mechanical engineering, electronics and IT. Since 2013, he has been working as an independent consultant, leading the capital raising, strategic investment and divestment execution of industrial companies, preparing venture capital investments. Member of the Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association.
Between 2003 and 2004, he worked as a capital market supervisor and then as a head of department at the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA).
In 2002, he graduated from the Budapest University of Economics and Business Administration (Corvinus) with honours in International Relations and Managerial Economics. In addition to his studies, he gained work experience at the Stollwerck chocolate factory and at the business magazine Világgazdaság.
He has a higher level of English and German.

Dr. Károly Szász

member of the Board of Directors

Born: Budapest, 10 January 1957.
In 1981, he graduated with honours from the Marx Károly University of Economics and Business Administration, and in 2002 he passed the public administration exam. In 1985, he received his doctorate summa cum laude.
Between 2000 and 2004, and between 2010 and 2013, he was Chairman of the State Financial Supervisory Authority, and between 2014 and 2019 he held the position of Chancellor of Semmelweis University.
From 2019 to 2022, he worked as a ministerial adviser at the ITM.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Budapest Business Development Public Foundation from 2016, and of the Healthy Budakeszi Foundation from 2021.
In 2015, he was awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit, and in 2019 the Pro Universitate Award.
He has a university degree in English, German and Russian.

Dávid Soma Sárközi

A felügyelőbizottság elnöke

A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen végzett közgazdászként. Közigazgatási munkáját megelőzően több nemzetközi tanácsadó cégnél (Big4) dolgozott Üzleti és Stratégiai tanácsadóként. Munkája során dolgozott a régió több jelentős bankjának felsővezetésével, részt vett számos hazai és külföldi M&A tranzakcióban mint vevő oldali szakértő-tanácsadó, illetve közreműködött a régió legjelentősebb banki összeolvadási projektjének előkészítésében és végrehajtásában. 

Ezt követően 2023. év tavaszán csatlakozott a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium jogelődjéhez, ahol korábban az üzleti és technológiai átvilágítási osztályt, majd jelenleg a projektértékelési főosztályt vezeti. Az N7 Holding Zrt. felügyelőbizottságának, a HungaroControl Zrt. igazgatóságának tagja.  

Dr. Ferenc Antal

A felügyelőbizottság tagja

1993-ban született Budapesten. A Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Gazdálkodási és menedzsment szakán szerzett diplomát 2014-ben, majd 2017-ben a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Számviteli mesterszakán és 2021-ben az Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem Jogász szakán. 

2019-ben a Magyar Könyvvizsgálói Kamaránál – Okleveles forgalmiadó-szakértői képesítést szerzett, illetve folyamatban van az ACCA képesítés megszerzése.

Pályafutását a KPMG Hungary-nél kezdte 2016-ban mint adótanácsadó asszisztens. 2018-tól az Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft-nél dolgozott mint vezető tanácsadó. 2020-tól a Deloitte Tanácsadó Kft-nél könyvvizsgálati területen dolgozott mint menedzser, majd 2022-től a svájci Deloitte-nél végezte ugyanezt a tevékenységet. 2023-tól a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium – stratégiai tranzakciókért felelős helyettes államtitkára és 2024. augusztus 1. napjától az N7 Holding Zrt. vezérigazgatója. Mindemellett a Garantiqua Hitelgarancia Zrt., valamint a Budapest Airport Igazgatótanácsának tagja.

Dr. Sándor József Szabó

Member of the Supervisory Board

Born: Enying, 20.02.1964.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Lóránd University in 1988 and passed his bar exam in 1991. He also holds a degree in business administration from the College of Foreign Trade and a degree in law and economics from the Budapest University of Economics.
Since its foundation in 1991, he has been working at Szabó & Szomor Law Office, whose main practice areas are commercial law, civil law, corporate law, employment law and transport law.
He holds an intermediate level certificate in English with a specialisation in economics and an intermediate level certificate in French with a specialisation in law.

László Vida

Commerecial Director

He graduated from the Technical College of Transport and Telecommunications with a degree in automotive engineering and technical teaching. Afterwards, he graduated from Széchenyi István University with a degree in economics, specialising in business management.
From 2000, he worked for Porsche Hungária Kft., as the official importer of the Volkswagen Group in Hungary, as the regional manager of the Audi brand. He was responsible for developing the dealer network, increasing national market share and sales figures.
From 2004 he worked as an office manager at Lombard Leasing Zrt. He was in charge of the sales team in Veszprém county, dealing with financing of motor vehicles and production equipment as well as leasing of industrial real estate.
He joined Rába Group in 2017. From January 2017 until February 2022 he is the Head of Business Development at Rába Járműalkatrész Kft.
Since March 2022, he has been Commercial Director of Rába Plc. He is responsible for customer relations and strategic sourcing.

Roland Szilágyi

Managing Director, Rába Futómű Kft.

Managing Director of Rába Futómű Kft. from 1 July 2022. He is responsible for the operation of both the Győr and Sárvár sites of the company.
He started his career in the electronics industry, then known as Flextronics Ltd., where he worked for nearly 10 years, first as a technician, then as a process developer and test engineer, and finally as a Lean expert.
Subsequently, he worked as a Lean (crisis) manager mainly in Tier 1 automotive component manufacturing companies on an international level.
Then from 2017 he was the operational director of IVM Zrt. and from 2020 of Csabacast Kft.
Following his studies in Japan, he obtained qualifications as a Lean-Kaizen engineer and as an accredited Toyota Production Systems Consultant.

László Urbányi

Managing Director, Rába Járműalkatrész Kft.

He graduated as a mechanical engineer at the Budapest University of Technology. Afterwards he graduated from the College of Finance and Accounting with a degree in Engineering Management, and from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in cooperation with the Rochester Institute of Technology and the State University of New York at Buffalo with an MBA in Management, Production and Quality Management.
Since 1992, he has held a number of middle management positions in GE Lighting. He then served as Managing Director of Thomas&Betts from 1998 to 2003. From 2003 to 2005, he held the position of Deputy CEO of Flextronics, where he was Head of the WHIP Enclosure business.
Since 2005 he has been the Managing Director of Rába Járműalkatrész Kft.
Between 2008 and 2012, he was appointed Managing Director of Fehrer-Rába Automotive Kft.
Since 2011 he is the founder and board member of the Lean Enterprise Institute Hungary.
Since 2015, he has been a member of the board of the National Association of Hungarian Vehicle Manufacturers (MAJOSZ).

János Torma

Managing Director, Rába Jármű Kft.

He graduated from the predecessor of the Széchenyi István University of Győr, the Technical College of Transport and Telecommunications, with a degree in automotive plant engineering.
He has been working at Rába since 1983.
Worked as a technologist in the technical field, in the field of machining
Since 1999, he has been involved as an expert in the complex business and production process modernisation programme of Rába Futómű Kft.
Since 2002 he has managed various production units.
Since 2004 he was responsible for the production and maintenance activities of Rába Futómű Kft.
Since 2005 he has been managing director of Rába Jármű Kft.

Péter Vincze

Managing Director, Rába Jármű Kft.

He graduated from the Slovak University of Technology with a degree in Mechanical Engineering with a specialisation in Materials Engineering in 2006.
His first experience was at the Komárno Shipyard as a technologist in charge of hull assembly.
He then worked in the design of industrial kitchen equipment between 2007 and 2010, where he gained extensive experience in sheet metal technologies.
Between 2010 and 2015, he worked as a design engineer in the escalator division of the Schindler Group, for a year in Vienna and then in Slovakia after 2011. During this period he also held project manager and engineering team leader positions.
From 2016 he was the project manager of the Rába Development Institute, and from June 2016 he worked as the head of the Rába Development Institute.