RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc..
9027 Győr, Martin út 1.
Company registration number: Cg. 08-10-001532
Tax number: 11120133-2-51
Telephone: +36 30 444 9500
E-mail: raba@raba.hu
Central Contact details of the rába group
Rába's landline telephone numbers ceased to be unused. In addition to mobile phones for personal use by employees, companies can be reached at the following central numbers.
Rába Plc. | Headquarter | (30) 444 9500 |
Rába Plc. | Secretariat | (30) 444 9770 |
Rába Plc. | GYŐR Personnel reception | (30) 444 9704 |
Rába Plc. | GYŐR Freight reception | (30) 444 9700 |
Rába Acle Ltd. - Sárvár | Headquarter | (30) 684 1547 |
Rába Automotive Components Ltd. - Mór | Headquarter | (30) 968 4914 |
REKARD LLC. | Headquarter | (96) 511 880 |
Employees can only answear incoming calls; call transfer is not possible. If a specific Rába employee is needed, staff will issue their company mobile phone or email address. For general enquiries or contacts, the email address of the given area or manager is supplied.
It is recommended to use electric means of communication and online communication. Our colleagues are available at their email address or at one of the following central email addresses.
RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.
Rába Axle Ltd. central email address | futomu@raba.hu |
Rába Axle Ltd. Sárvár site | sarvar@raba.hu |
Rába Automotive Components Ltd. central email address | mor@raba.hu |
Rába Vehicle Ltd. central email address | jarmu@raba.hu |
REKARD Kft. central email address | info@rekard.hu |
Business areas
RÁBA Automotive Holding Plc.
Registered office: 1 Martin út, Győr, H-9027
Postal address: POB 50, Győr, H-9002
Commericial Court: Győr-Moson-Sopron County Court
Company registration number: Cg. 08-10-001532
Rába Axle CO. Ltd.
Registered office: 1 Martin út, Győr, H-9027
Branch: 6 Ipartelep, Sárvár, H-9600
Postal address: POB 141, Győr, H-9002
Commericial Court: Győr-Moson-Sopron County Court
Company registration number: Cg. 08-09-008494
Rába Vehicle Ltd.
Registered office: 1 Martin út, Győr, H-9027
Postal address: POB 195, Győr, H-9002
Commericial Court: Győr-Moson-Sopron County Court
Company registration number: Cg. 08-09-008305
Passenger entrance Győr: N 47.69510, E 17.67952
Freight transport Győr: N 47.68898, E 17.67721
Sárvár entrance: N 47.26202, E 16.92479
Head office: 5 Kandó Kálmán u., Győr, H-9027
Commericial Court: Győr-Moson-Sopron County Court
Company registration number: Cg. 08-09-022147
REKARD entrance, Győr: N 47.68566, E 17.65726
Rába Automotive Components Ltd.
Registered office: 1 Martin út, Győr, H-9027
Branch: Ipartelep, Mór, H-8060
Postal address: POB 47, Mór, H-8061
Commericial Court: Győr-Moson-Sopron County Court
Company registration number: Cg. 08-09-009889
Mór entrance: N 47.41126, E 18.24666